7. februar 2019

Material in english for foreign employees

SEGES Danish Pig Research Centre offers more and more material in English.

On this page, we have collected some of the material we offer in English. We are also working on our new English site with articles and guides for those who do not speak Danish.

Are you new in Danish pig production?

Then you will probably learn a lot from our new digital course. In 8 modules we will take you through all the things you have to know while working on a Danish pig farm. It's available in English, Romanian and Russian.

Are you a farm manager?

SEGES Danish Pig Research Centre offers a new course in cooperation with a number of Danish agricultural schools. 

The next course will take place:
8.-9. october 2019
29.-30. october 2019
19. november 2019 

Why do we talk so much about African Swine Fewer? And why is everyone so afraid that it may enter a Danish herd? Is it a real threat or just something that everyone is talking about? Find out why in this free podcast. Search for "SEGES Podcast" in your favorite podcast app.